
We see things a bit differently…

We’ve all seen it. Just over the interviewee’s shoulder, slightly out of focus, but still recognisable: the trusty office plant.

Vloop are a production company who bring the experience of working on some of the world’s biggest television programmes to you and your customers. We fuse this experience with the desire to create engaging content that will entertain, inform and provoke discussion.

Are you right for me?

Our corporate customers tend to work within Marketing or Communications. Their needs will differ, they might want:

  • A case study video to show potential customers

  • An internal training video for sales teams

  • An animation for a staff conference

  • Conference Filming

No matter the end goal, more often than not, they will want the same thing: good quality video content that aligns with the budget that they have available.

How do I decide?

If you search for “video production companies near me” in your usual browser, you’ll be bombarded with numerous choices. These will range from one (wo)man bands to larger companies who will supply a full crew. The work often looks the same, as do the websites. Choosing which company to work with can be hard, so how do you do it?

  1. Reduce your options. Be brutal. If you know you've only got £1000 to spend, don’t waste your time contacting the larger companies. Look for the one (wo)man band who can do everything - Film, Direct, Interview, Edit.

  2. If you’ve got more money in the pot, look at the quality of the work. Don’t base this solely on whether it looks nice or not, but go deeper: is the content of a suitable length, is it visually interesting, do the people on camera look comfortable and are they giving good answers? On the latter point, when the person speaking is clear, relaxed and comfortable, you can bet that the interviewee or director has enabled them to be that way. Frequently, in case study videos, the person on-camera isn’t used to being filmed and so will be nervous and apprehensive. Find out if the company you hire will bring in an experienced director/interviewer that will put the interviewees at ease.

  3. Ask yourself what you want. It’s a simple statement, but REALLY think about it. If you’re looking for a company that will produce videos like all the others you’ve created, then try to find companies that are making work that feels familiar. If, however, you’re trying to do something different and you know that your video content is a little grey and boring, maybe it’s worth coming to Vloop.

No matter the video, we try to approach it as storytellers. What are we trying to communicate? Why is it important? Why now? We use these questions to drive the content we produce. By doing so we help you tell clear and engaging stories that create a lasting impact.

Corporate video can be seen as dry, boring and predictable. We’re trying to change that...

We love plants, just not in the back of every shot.

Selected Case Study Videos

Google Case Study -

Google Case Study - Clark’s Shoes