How we work

Getting to know you

Step 1 might sound simple enough, and it is. We’ll talk to you. We want to know who you are and what you need, whilst you’ll want to know if this random video production company that uses GIFs on their website is right for you. We get it.

We’ll talk about your ideas, the budget you have in mind, that sort of thing. A word on budget: we know that every business negotiation book tells you not to name your price or your budget first. It makes sense. On paper. However, in reality, it really helps us know where you’re coming from, otherwise we’ll pitch you a remake of Avatar. Come to us with an idea of what you’re working with.

Ordinarily this might be a phone call or even an in-the-flesh meeting, but, you know it will more than likely be on Zoom. Or Google Meet. Why not book a chat?

Let’s get creative

Based on our fantastically productive session with you, we’ll go away and do some thinking. At this stage, we’ll be working on very loose, top-line ideas. Sketches, thoughts, possible avenues to explore. Right now, we want to ensure we’re moving in the right direction – the one you want to travel in. As a result, we’ll be using the big paintbrushes from our arts and crafts kit, not obsessing over details.

So, we meet again…

It’s only fair that we get to see you again. After all, we’ve just been banging our heads on our whiteboard walls coming up with every conceivable idea we can. We want to know it was worth it by looking you in the eyes.

This is our chance to talk a bit more, and maybe find out a little bit more about you - maybe what your favourite restaurant is (Restaurants, remember them?). We’ll chat about the ideas you like, the ideas you’re drawn to. Teeing us up beautifully for the next stage in development…

Let’s get specific

We’ve talked through the ideas you like, the ones you didn’t, and the ones that left you questioning why the hell you chose us. But, the bottom line is, we managed to come up with one or two ideas that you love and want to explore more. The hard bit is choosing which one. Once you’ve done that, you’ll send us off in to battle, armed with post-it notes, pens and a bucketload of coffee. We’ll come up with some refined creative that is only moments away from being ready to make.

Making movies

You love the creative we’ve made. It might be a live action script, or the Voiceover for an animation. Whatever it is, it’s ready to be made.

We now move into pre-production to get it produced. This might involve casting, location scouting, art direction; all things that we’ll need to bring this fantastic project to life. And then…


Roll out the red carpet

It’s done. It’s actually finished. The edit has been smooth, efficient and you didn't change your mind once; okay, you did, but that’s okay, it’s part of the creative process.

Now what? You could show it to your family & friends, maybe your colleagues. But what will that achieve apart from a few nice compliments? You need to get it out there and if you need our help to do just that, just let us know.